The Life of "Mr. Mom". How everything changed and still changes since little Liam Nilsson was born in June 2009...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Upcoming Christmas Markets
German Christkindlmarket
December 2. from 4pm to 9pm at the German Military in Reston, The Campus at Sunrise - German Christkindlmarket
A traditional outdoor Christmas Market for family and friends with arts and crafts, German food & beverages, puppet shows and childcare
German Military in Reston, The Campus at Sunrise
11150 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA
Lovettsville Christkindlmarkt 2010
December 4 & 5 from 11am to 6pm at the Lovettsville Game Protective Association - Lovettsville Christkindlmarkt 2010
An authentic German Holiday Market. Unique finds from juried crafters, live German/Austrian music, German Christmas delicacies, Christmas trees and greenery, children activities and more...
Lovettsville Game Protective Association
16 Berlin Turnpike
Lovettsville, VA
Christmas Market 2010
December 11, 12 & 18 from 11am to 5pm at Hunters Run Wine Barn in Hamilton - Christmas Market 2010
Hunters Run Wine Barn and Mr. Mom from Made-In-Germany-Company team up for a unique Christmas Market in Hamilton, VA.
Join us for an excellent Christmas shopping experience. Handcrafted and unique gifts from Europe and the US paired with award winning Hunters Run and Corcoran Wines and warm mulled wine.
Don't miss out on this holiday event. Bring your friends and family.
Hunters Run Wine Barn
40325 Charles Town Pike
Hamilton, VA
We still have a few Vendor spots open for this event. Please contact me if you are interested.
Hope to see you there!
Mr. Mom :-)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
"Post Pregnancy" weight loss challenge - Update -
I had my ups and downs the last weeks, but I'm glad that I'm still on track and I'm feeling great!
My wonderful wife and I signed up for the gym as well and it's great to have her on my side to achieve my goal!
The pants are getting a little more loose and I can't wait to fit back in those older pairs.
11 down, 19 more to go till the end of the year. Let's see how Thanksgiving will work out...
Bring on the rest of the year! I think I'm ready and I'm in it to win it!
Who is still with me? ;-)
Mr. Mom
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
This weekend - Don't miss out

This and more will be available for purchase this Saturday and Sunday at Hunters Run Wine Barn - a portion of the proceeds from this and more items goes to breast cancer research! There will be other great stuff going on too, so come on out and join the fun! Hope to see you there... :-)
Mr. Mom :-)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
"Post Pregnancy" weight loss challenge - Update -
I hope I can keep it up and lose the 30 pounds I would like to get rid of by the end of this year. 8 down, 22 more to go...
Mr. Mom :-)
Monday, October 11, 2010
Loudoun County Farm Color Tour 2010
See you there!
Mr. Mom :-)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
"Post Pregnancy" weight loss challenge
Wish me luck...
Mr. Mom
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Back to school! Yeah!
I'm a stay at home Dad and I'm damn proud of it but, like many families, surviving on one income is difficult. I did some research back in April for a job, where I could take our son to work with me and I actually found it! I applied to become a school bus driver for our county and I got accepted to take the class in May. You read correctly: You have to take serious classes to become a school bus driver.
First you have to go through an in depth process composed of background checks, fingerprints, interviews, references etc. They really make sure they know that person who gets close to our kids!
Once you've passed the checks, you get a notice that you made it into the upcoming class. 5 days a week with a packed schedule. Thankfully, my wife was able to take leave most of the days I was in class so she could watch the little man.
We went through CPR, First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens, Drug and Alcohol Training, Orientation, Policy and Regulations, Roles and Responsibilities, Route Reading, Student Management, Severe Allergies/Other Health Emergencies, Special Education, Glucagon Administration, Special Needs Training, Hazmat Instruction, Maintenance and Pre/Post Trip Inspections, Instructions on the different Bus types, Crashes and Emergencies, Loading and Unloading Passengers, Driving Fundamentals, Driving under Special Conditions, Defensive Driving and much more. All packed in 2 busy weeks! All this combined with studying after class at home plus studying for the big written test at the DMV for the Commercial Drivers License (CDL), proved to be difficult at times, but as a family we managed to get through!
Don't tell me you knew school bus drivers had to go through so much training, because I had no idea in the beginning!
After passing the classroom exams, for the next two weeks, we hit the road for a lot of driving and more driving. We experienced different buses, different routes, stopping and loading/unloading procedures, getting to know all the different parts of the buses for the pre/post trip inspections, we have to do every day. Up to the day where I had to take the DMV driving test. After I passed the test I had to drive "loaded runs" with my trainer for 3 days. He released me after these 3 days and wrote in his report, "Probably one of the best trainees he ever had." Did I mention my trainer has been a bus driver for 10 years!? I, of course, was really proud because I always give 110% in whatever I do. I really love this job. I should've done this a long time ago!
Before you can get contracted you have to be a substitute driver for at least 15 days. I had exactly 17 days till the summer break. I drove all 17 days, all different routes and different schools. From Elementary to High School and Special Needs. I had some tricky runs and also some easy ones and I can't wait to see what the next school year has in store for me. I have not received a route yet, which means I will start as a substitute driver again next.
I really hope that I will get a Special Needs Route. Not everybody is cut out for that, but it feels right for me somehow. Becoming a parent changes things and I want to be there for these kids and their parents.
I love to work with kids and to make a difference in their lives.

My little man loves to ride the bus with Daddy, who is very proud to be a School Bus Driver!

Mr. Mom(Any misspelled words you may find, are yours to keep) ;-)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
First Guest Blog Post EVER
My first ever guest blog post is out. Over at one of my favorite Mommy Bloggers - Breedwoman
Please check it out at: and leave some comment love. :-)
Make sure to follow her on Twitter too:
Enjoy the post... :-)
Mr. Mom
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Childhood Memories Part 2
The story was that "Samson" the big bear should get new shoes at the market. I had to walk around as a visitor of the market. I'm the one in the left corner with the way to big red sweater. I couldn't wear my own cloth just because of color problems with the cameras.
I'm really thankful that my little sister could get her hands on these pictures from 1982!
Great Memories!
Mr. Mom
(Any misspelled words you may find, are yours to keep) ;-)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Childhood Memories
I had a great childhood! I know that for sure. Loving family and a great neighborhood with lots of friends... I spend a lot of time playing outside and I know that I would like my kids to grow up the same way.
But not many other memories are left about kindergarten, first years of school, birthdays, vacations etc. I would like to know if I need to get that checked out, or if anybody else out there has the same thing going on!?
There are a few things I remember 100%,
In 1985, back in the days without cellphones, my Dad didn't come home from work at his usual time. My mom, my sister and I were sitting at home, all worried and had no idea what was going on. Trying to reach him at work, but there was no answer at all... What happened???
After hours of waiting my Dad came home and was fine. Here is what took place:
2 fighter jets from the German Army collided in the air - one went in a river and one fell on to the building my Dad worked in.
Mr. Mom
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What a let down
The day came when the little one arrived in our world and my mother and father in law visited us at the hospital of course right away. We had quiet a few friends visiting that day (no swine flu problems then) and one of our friends said to my mother in law: "It's nice that these 2 have you close by (about 15 min. from door to door) to support and help them out." - My mother in laws response was, "Me? No! I'm working and I have to get up at 4 in the morning...". That should have given us a big enough clue!
She is 67 years old, works 5 days a week and should really slow down a little and, "smell the roses". And what is with those other 2 days she is off, or the afternoons, or just make time for your family, or your GRANDCHILD!?
The next day after the birth, still in the hospital of course, my mother in law calls and wanted to know if we wanted to come over for Burgers and Fries! Really? What am I missing here? We are here with our newborn son, my wife is still in pain and she wants us to come to her house for dinner? What is wrong with this picture?
And this preceded even until now 14 month later...
The funny part in this is, that my father in law is all over the little guy when we see him (what is not really often)! He is not a people person and keeps to himself and we didn't think he would be connecting a lot with his grandson, but it's exactly the opposite.
It is so damn weird to us and it makes us angry at times. My wife tried to talk to her several times, but her mom gets offensive and doesn't see it.
We don't have any family here in the area. My wife's parents have their family's in Germany and Holland and my family, incl. my parents, are in Germany as well. So there is not much family here to support us and we were kind of thinking we would get at least a little bit of support.
She has never watched him in the last 14 months. Not even for 30 minutes. Never took him to the park, for a walk, or to the mall. Nothing, nada, zip, zero!!
The little guy has gotten only one present from them since he was born and that was for his birthday. That's if I don't count the diaper she got for Christmas. Wouldn't you be all over the little guy and just get him little things here and there when you go to the store? A cute bib, stuffed animal, onsie etc.? Things that, "I just had to get it." kind of stuff?
I really don't get it and it makes me angry and irritated! How can you not love our little Liam?
I could go on and on, but enough said and I think you get the picture! What do you think? Is there a book out there, Mother in Law for Dummies? Can anyone relate to this?
Mr. Mom
(Any misspelled words you may find, are yours to keep) ;-)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Love it!
I never see it when he is in his crib, but I'm glad to be able to experience it in the car every once in a while. It is very interesting to me how watching these little things warm my heart and make my day!
And he loves the pacifier upside down...
Mr. Mom
(Any misspelled words you may find, are yours to keep) ;-)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Another Milestone
I always thought that it can't be true, when friends told me in the past, that time flies, especially when you have kids. But they were right. Sad, but true...
I didn't even really think about it until I was moving the crib to get to the screws out and all of the sudden, it hit me: "Another Milestone" in my boys and our life! A weird feeling I tell you. I had to stop for a moment, looked at my wife and we got a little emotional there in his room. Amazing! I love you my little man!
Mr. Schnibbe Junior is growing up too fast for Daddy...
Having fun hiding behind the couch...
Enjoy every moment as much as you can!
(Any misspelled words you may find, are yours to keep) ;-)
Friday, August 6, 2010
My favorite commercial
I love this commercial and I had to share it! Enjoy and don't tell me you can't relate... ;-)
What we as parents go through to keep the little ones asleep. Well rested Baby = Happy Baby!
Enjoy! :-)
Mr. Mom
Thursday, August 5, 2010
What if you see something amazing and you can't share it with your spouse?
So what happens if (and I'm only saying if), if something would happen, what would be an amazing milestone in our sons life. I'm not saying that that happened yet, but if it would happen, I couldn't tell her. It would break her heart if she wouldn't be home for that. You can video tape it as much as you want, it's just not the same than experiencing it with your own eyes and/or ears.
Think about it! Your little one would crawl for the first time and you are away from home. Wouldn't you want to be there when this important milestone happens?
So, I pledged to myself not to say anything if this would ever happen in our house!
And, I can only imagine how much it would suck if my little mini me would take his first step on his own and I couldn't tell anyone...Luckily, we haven't gone through that yet. So, my plan is, (if this happens) to keep the secret to myself for a few days until my wonderful wife comes home and we can experience it for the "first time", together.
Knock on would, that these moments only happen when we are all together...
Mr. Mom
(Any misspelled words you may find, are yours to keep) ;-)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Who invented this thing?
The little dude is really fighting his teeth right now and I was glad that I had him in his crib, kind of asleep. So I went into the living room and sat down on the couch trying to relax, watching the monitor and it was really, really quiet, for about 15 minutes...
There was a little noise and I always try to tell myself that it was on TV and it couldn't be from his room. Then I pay attention to the lights on the monitor and hope, that they don't come on.
And bamm! There it is! All the lights on and crying and crying! So much for the peace and quiet I hoped for all day...
Guess what happened? "Mr. Tooth Factory" pooped himself awake for the third time this week!
I would almost call him talented. I should get a bumper sticker, "I'm proud of my son, who poops himself awake!"
Let's try this again! Good night... :-)
Monday, July 19, 2010
First steps...
Liam is working on 4 Molars at the same time right now, but in between the understandable whining and crying he took his color full Porsche and tried to took off... Enjoy! :-)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Hope these diapers do their job!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
My 1 year old
Happy 1st Birthday to my little guy! Born on June 24th 2009 at 11:07... It totally changed our life and I wouldn't change a thing and I wouldn't want to miss one moment of it! I'm very proud of my little family and really, really thankful for my awesome life! I love you my little mini me! You make me the happiest and proudest Dad in the world! Happy 1st Birthday! :-)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Our favorite hang out spot featured
Great write up in TALK LOUDOUN MAGAZINE about Hunters Run Wine Barn - our favorite hang out spot! We love it there! So very family friendly... ;-)
Check out the article and stop by the Wine Barn next time you are in Loudoun County...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I'm back and nominated
I found out that I'm nominated for the "parents picks awards 2010" today with only one day left to vote. I got the official letter in the mail today. They sent it out a few weeks ago, but I got it this afternoon. Really strange. What can I say...
Please vote for me in the next 24 hours, so I get a least a few votes. I would very much appreciate it.

More good news: I got nominated for the following award today, too. What a day! Please vote for me right here, right now: ;-)
Brought to you by: Medical Billing and Coding
Thank you all and more from me/us in the coming days. I have a lot to catch up on. You just wait... ;-)
Mr. Mom
Friday, April 30, 2010
Please pray for Luke

Here is a tiny glimpse into the life of Luke as said by his mom Rachel
In the world of parenting a child with disabilities, your biggest concerns are health and social
inclusion. The work to achieve these goals is difficult, but so worth it.
Luke Martens is a lively 3 1/2 year old. At birth he was diagnosed with an extremely rare disorder called Mosaic Trisomy 22.
Luke's disorder is growth based so at near term in my pregnancy he was only 3 lbs. Now at age 3 he's close to 4 feet tall but only 23 lbs. Because of the lack of weight he's not walking yet.
As he is very interested in walking, i would love to be able to invest in some gym equipment for further at home physio.
He's also nonverbal. Right now he speaks with limited signs and becomes increasingly frustrated with his lack of ability.
His abilities on a cognitive level have yet to be figured out by any therapist. Being the one who spends the most time with him, i end up being translator.
It would be my dream to get asl training as well. You dream big for your child with special needs and any help would make that reality
Luke has been battling inexplicable stomach problems for which no doctor has been able to provide relief. Luke has an opportunity to get testing done at a lab in the US. These are not covered by Canadian health-care.
I really appreciate your help! Luke's been in almost daily pain and i'm running out of things for him to eat that won't send him into an episode. They've run all the standard tests available in Canada. Thank-you for your help from one mom to another - Rachel
We appreciate your prayers for Luke, his mom Rachel and dad Nick.
The money raised will first be used to get the medical tests done (about $700), if we raise more we would love to be able to bless the Martens family with funds to get some of the things she mentioned such as physio equipment & asl training.
For every $125 raised, there will be a draw for $25. Every $5 donation = 1 entry into the draw.
I hope you will consider donating to this wonderful cause! Please tell your friends too!
Thank you very much!
Mr. Mom
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Mr. Mom: Life as a stay at home Dad
It's challenging and rewarding at the same time. I just love it! My wonderful wife is a full-time flight attendant which makes me Mr. Mom. I am with our son 24/7 up to 6 days per week. The airline requires her to be on call at times so, with her sporadic schedule, we are sometimes granted up to 6 days in a row together. I like to call this time we have together "Quality Family Time". This means I'm 50% stay at home Dad and 50% single parent. I have it all and it is intense at times. I can only imagine what single parents have to go through every day. My deepest respect goes out to all of you out there.
Ever since our little guy came into our world almost 10 months ago, I have had the time of my life! Staying home with him was the best choice I have ever made.
My wife and I were raised this way by our mothers and we knew we wanted to do the same for our child, with one stay-at-home parent. It turned out my wife has the better benefits (health, travel and time off/flexibility), compared to my benefits (zero), so that decision was "easy". Liam, our baby, and I always drive my wife to the Airport (Princess Drop Off) and pick her up again (Princess Pick Up), because we are a single car family. The result of living on one income comes cost cutting. It's a choice and we made this decision for our son who deserves the best!
Being a full-time stay-at-home parent is the most under appreciated job in the world. My wife appreciates everything I do, but I have a feeling she is the only one who does. My in-laws are trying to talk me into jobs. Um, HELLO! Parenting is my damn job (excuse my language) and I'm more than proud of it!! Our son is an extremely happy and friendly boy, well adjusted to visitors and we are able to take him just about anywhere without him screaming his face off. We feel this full-time parenting has benefited his growth greatly in this regard. What happens if I did seek full-time employment with a company? We would have to put Liam in daycare and I would basically be working to pay that bill. I think this is a big issue in this country and it's really going in the wrong direction-- did I mention, I'm from Germany?
My Dad also thinks I'm just sitting on the couch all day not doing anything. I don't get it!!! More appreciation please! Now! I love my job as "Mr. Mom" and I wouldn't change a thing. Of course it would be nice to get paid for it, but I don't think there is enough money out there to pay for all the "overtime". But it's so worth it and my wife and I know that our little man is in good hands while she is out there working like crazy to keep our heads above water. Of course it's not easy for her to leave her cutie pie, but I send her pictures and updates every day, which makes it a little bit better for her.
In my "free-time" (Liam's Nap Time) I'm in the process of building an online store for quality Baby/Children toys and other specialty gifts.
I try to offer toys/items that I would give my own son to play with. It's so close to my heart and I'm hoping to build it up more in the coming months. Let's see if Liam will let me... ;-)
I'm enjoying my life with my little awesome family and nobody can take away my pride of being a stay at home Dad. Mr. Mom is standing strong behind his "Job".
Thanks for reading and till next time,
Mr. Mom
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
No Phone Zone

It can wait - DON'T test fate
Please take the pledge and make your car a "No Phone Zone"
Please don't put yourself, or others in danger!
Nils + Family
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
5 years in the US of A
I wouldn't change a thing and I'm absolutely proud of my little family!
In all these years my wife always stand by my side through thick and thin. She was and still is my rock and I love her with all my heart! No matter what got thrown at us the last years, we went through it together and I wouldn't want it any other way. We are a great team and we don't really believe in fights and big arguments. Of course we have different opinions every once in a while, but it's all over after about 5 minutes and it's all good again.
Our son Liam is a little bit over 9 month old now and it's just a joy to see him grow up. He is crawling already and when he smiles with his big blue eyes and his 6 teeth, than you forget everything around you. It's just an amazing feeling!
He puts smiles on a lot of peoples faces when we are out. At Hunters Run Wine Barn, where he is known as the mascot, or any place else where we go. Liam is just friendly to everybody and it's awesome to see the response he is getting from total strangers. I'm pretty sure he makes quite a few peoples day when they see him laughing and happy in his stroller.
I feel at home here with my little family and we will see what the next 5 years have in store for us.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
"Bouncies" just arrived from Germany
Please check it out:
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Life is good
I like the snow too, but when this weather comes around, I just want to keep it.
Wishing everybody a great and healthy spring season, or in Liams words: Ga, ga, ga, ga, ga :-)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Nice walk
We were walking for 2 hours and I was pretty beat afterwards. We are doing the South Beach Diet right now - Dad's have to loose baby weight too ;-).
Just like with any other diet, you need to exercise. This is the perfect exercise to take your little one with you and you don't have to spend any money. We are done with the first week and I lost over 10 Pounds already. It's great. You cut out all the carbs and sugars (Sodas etc.) in phase 1 and make your own meals with a meal plan. There are 3 phases and you can find them online at for free and you don't have to sign up for it. There are support groups on Facebook as well with tips and tricks. Just check it out, it's very interesting. We bought the book and it helps to understand how your body and the whole diet works. You can get it at Amazon for around $10.00 for example. I can only recommend it if you want to take some weight off.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Another day in the changing business
I have to go into the men's room to change a diaper. There is a changing table (not really clean) and I can't really fit the stroller in the stall with me. I blocked half the restroom. I checked out the mother's room and that room is really nice and comfortable. Roomy and clean with couches and real changing tables. I don't think mothers would appreciate it if I would go on here while they're breastfeeding... Why not make it a family room?
I don't know if I should feel offended. I like the store and the people here are really friendly and helpful, but this is something I don't get...
Went to Wal Mart in Leesburg, VA afterwards just to check out the Baby section. I was surprised how much cheaper the formula is
I payed $24.99 with a $2.00 off coupon. The same formula is $22.50 at Wal Mart without any sale, or coupon!
I went to the men's room and look at this: