I have to go into the men's room to change a diaper. There is a changing table (not really clean) and I can't really fit the stroller in the stall with me. I blocked half the restroom. I checked out the mother's room and that room is really nice and comfortable. Roomy and clean with couches and real changing tables. I don't think mothers would appreciate it if I would go on here while they're breastfeeding... Why not make it a family room?
I don't know if I should feel offended. I like the store and the people here are really friendly and helpful, but this is something I don't get...
Went to Wal Mart in Leesburg, VA afterwards just to check out the Baby section. I was surprised how much cheaper the formula ishttp://www.gerber.com/AllStages/Products/GoodStart_Formulas.aspx?PLineId=cc27fb48-a094-4015-b29c-f8d861415f88&PCatId=06a3314b-3aea-47c4-b79e-089e5c09efc3
I payed $24.99 with a $2.00 off coupon. The same formula is $22.50 at Wal Mart without any sale, or coupon!
I went to the men's room and look at this:
Make sure you have a clean diaper on your little one before you go to Babies R' Us if you are a Dad and are going alone with your child. And check out Wal Mart first if you need anything for your Baby. I will do that from now on...
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