It's challenging and rewarding at the same time. I just love it! My wonderful wife is a full-time flight attendant which makes me Mr. Mom. I am with our son 24/7 up to 6 days per week. The airline requires her to be on call at times so, with her sporadic schedule, we are sometimes granted up to 6 days in a row together. I like to call this time we have together "Quality Family Time". This means I'm 50% stay at home Dad and 50% single parent. I have it all and it is intense at times. I can only imagine what single parents have to go through every day. My deepest respect goes out to all of you out there.
Ever since our little guy came into our world almost 10 months ago, I have had the time of my life! Staying home with him was the best choice I have ever made.
My wife and I were raised this way by our mothers and we knew we wanted to do the same for our child, with one stay-at-home parent. It turned out my wife has the better benefits (health, travel and time off/flexibility), compared to my benefits (zero), so that decision was "easy". Liam, our baby, and I always drive my wife to the Airport (Princess Drop Off) and pick her up again (Princess Pick Up), because we are a single car family. The result of living on one income comes cost cutting. It's a choice and we made this decision for our son who deserves the best!
Being a full-time stay-at-home parent is the most under appreciated job in the world. My wife appreciates everything I do, but I have a feeling she is the only one who does. My in-laws are trying to talk me into jobs. Um, HELLO! Parenting is my damn job (excuse my language) and I'm more than proud of it!! Our son is an extremely happy and friendly boy, well adjusted to visitors and we are able to take him just about anywhere without him screaming his face off. We feel this full-time parenting has benefited his growth greatly in this regard. What happens if I did seek full-time employment with a company? We would have to put Liam in daycare and I would basically be working to pay that bill. I think this is a big issue in this country and it's really going in the wrong direction-- did I mention, I'm from Germany?
My Dad also thinks I'm just sitting on the couch all day not doing anything. I don't get it!!! More appreciation please! Now! I love my job as "Mr. Mom" and I wouldn't change a thing. Of course it would be nice to get paid for it, but I don't think there is enough money out there to pay for all the "overtime". But it's so worth it and my wife and I know that our little man is in good hands while she is out there working like crazy to keep our heads above water. Of course it's not easy for her to leave her cutie pie, but I send her pictures and updates every day, which makes it a little bit better for her.
In my "free-time" (Liam's Nap Time) I'm in the process of building an online store for quality Baby/Children toys and other specialty gifts.
I try to offer toys/items that I would give my own son to play with. It's so close to my heart and I'm hoping to build it up more in the coming months. Let's see if Liam will let me... ;-)
I'm enjoying my life with my little awesome family and nobody can take away my pride of being a stay at home Dad. Mr. Mom is standing strong behind his "Job".
Thanks for reading and till next time,
Mr. Mom
I love that you share your journey.. I too am from Germany and underwent some challenges... thanks for giving the 'other' perspective
ReplyDeleteI think it's awesome you can stay home all the time and be ok with it .
ReplyDeleteNot everyone can stay home full time. I'm one of those parents that is very involved, But..... Being home all day without adult convo drove me crazy. I had to go back to work. So kudos to you!
What a fun Daddy you are : ) You are right though, isn't it like the most under appreciated career in the universe! So excited about the decision you made! Best wishes!