When we first found out that "we" were pregnant we thought we would get great support from my wife's mom with our little one. We got kind of a weird response when we first told my in laws that they will be grandparents in a few month. Didn't really think anything about it back then...
The day came when the little one arrived in our world and my mother and father in law visited us at the hospital of course right away. We had quiet a few friends visiting that day (no swine flu problems then) and one of our friends said to my mother in law: "It's nice that these 2 have you close by (about 15 min. from door to door) to support and help them out." - My mother in laws response was, "Me? No! I'm working and I have to get up at 4 in the morning...". That should have given us a big enough clue!
She is 67 years old, works 5 days a week and should really slow down a little and, "smell the roses". And what is with those other 2 days she is off, or the afternoons, or just make time for your family, or your GRANDCHILD!?
The next day after the birth, still in the hospital of course, my mother in law calls and wanted to know if we wanted to come over for Burgers and Fries! Really? What am I missing here? We are here with our newborn son, my wife is still in pain and she wants us to come to her house for dinner? What is wrong with this picture?
And this preceded even until now 14 month later...
The funny part in this is, that my father in law is all over the little guy when we see him (what is not really often)! He is not a people person and keeps to himself and we didn't think he would be connecting a lot with his grandson, but it's exactly the opposite.
It is so damn weird to us and it makes us angry at times. My wife tried to talk to her several times, but her mom gets offensive and doesn't see it.
We don't have any family here in the area. My wife's parents have their family's in Germany and Holland and my family, incl. my parents, are in Germany as well. So there is not much family here to support us and we were kind of thinking we would get at least a little bit of support.
She has never watched him in the last 14 months. Not even for 30 minutes. Never took him to the park, for a walk, or to the mall. Nothing, nada, zip, zero!!
The little guy has gotten only one present from them since he was born and that was for his birthday. That's if I don't count the diaper she got for Christmas. Wouldn't you be all over the little guy and just get him little things here and there when you go to the store? A cute bib, stuffed animal, onsie etc.? Things that, "I just had to get it." kind of stuff?
I really don't get it and it makes me angry and irritated! How can you not love our little Liam?

I could go on and on, but enough said and I think you get the picture! What do you think? Is there a book out there, Mother in Law for Dummies? Can anyone relate to this?
Mr. Mom
(Any misspelled words you may find, are yours to keep) ;-)