Here is a tiny glimpse into the life of Luke as said by his mom Rachel
In the world of parenting a child with disabilities, your biggest concerns are health and social
inclusion. The work to achieve these goals is difficult, but so worth it.
Luke Martens is a lively 3 1/2 year old. At birth he was diagnosed with an extremely rare disorder called Mosaic Trisomy 22.
Luke's disorder is growth based so at near term in my pregnancy he was only 3 lbs. Now at age 3 he's close to 4 feet tall but only 23 lbs. Because of the lack of weight he's not walking yet.
As he is very interested in walking, i would love to be able to invest in some gym equipment for further at home physio.
He's also nonverbal. Right now he speaks with limited signs and becomes increasingly frustrated with his lack of ability.
His abilities on a cognitive level have yet to be figured out by any therapist. Being the one who spends the most time with him, i end up being translator.
It would be my dream to get asl training as well. You dream big for your child with special needs and any help would make that reality
Luke has been battling inexplicable stomach problems for which no doctor has been able to provide relief. Luke has an opportunity to get testing done at a lab in the US. These are not covered by Canadian health-care.
I really appreciate your help! Luke's been in almost daily pain and i'm running out of things for him to eat that won't send him into an episode. They've run all the standard tests available in Canada. Thank-you for your help from one mom to another - Rachel
We appreciate your prayers for Luke, his mom Rachel and dad Nick.
The money raised will first be used to get the medical tests done (about $700), if we raise more we would love to be able to bless the Martens family with funds to get some of the things she mentioned such as physio equipment & asl training.
For every $125 raised, there will be a draw for $25. Every $5 donation = 1 entry into the draw.
I hope you will consider donating to this wonderful cause! Please tell your friends too!
Thank you very much!
Mr. Mom